River Tubing on the Balthazar

Thursday 7th September

River Tubing

Shademan is taking us river tubing today, up in the middle of the island. Only 8 of us, all American except for us and it is great fun. The trip up is not very long and we get there around 11 am. We are issued with life jacket, a huge inflatable ring and a silly helmet and off we go on the water. We have had a bit of rain in the last few days so the river is at a decent level. The incline is not so steep and it is a gentle float between more tortuous rapids. The scenery is fantastic and so quiet, well until I get taken by the current down the river, loads of noise then, mainly shrieks of laughter. It is a bit like the tea pots funfair ride, going round and round, really fun. Ian managed to get upturned 3 times but the guys are very good at extirpating him from under his ring. I only managed to get stuck in the rocks a few times, but a few well aimed kicks soon get me back afloat.  It does not last long enough we are back on dry land, in what seem to be a car junk yard. Interesting. The mosquitoes are lethal around here; I get bitten to bits in the 10 minutes we take to get changed. Back to base, a fabulous lunch is waiting for us; the fish is fantastic and the company quite entertaining.

We are going around scenic route on the way back, all the way to Grenville on the Atlantic side of the island. Although it is the 2nd larger town in Grenada after St George, it does feel so much smaller. It is school out time and loads of kids are waiting for buses outside the school gates in their brand new uniforms. Many of them walk home, laughing and jostling in a friendly manner. The views are fantastic and Patrick is very good at pointing out things of interest.  Another full day, we are gld to get home to Mr X for a rest.