Kanlildup – Green Island

Thursday 24th January 19 - Thursday 12th January 19

Green Island

We had the whole boat turned upside down, inside out over the last week, trying to find this mouse, or more accurately, Ian has, I can't bear the thought of having a mouse on board let alone having one jumping at me when I get inside any lockers! All the food has been checked and put in boxes if it wasn't already in them.... Been a nightmare but since we made the discovery no sign of the little blighter... No food touched, no droppings, nothing on the traps... Nothing! It is driving us mad..

Never mind, the boat is now clean and tidyish... Managed to have most of the afternoons off on the beach in the hammock, had loads of swimming, walking around the island.... And took loads of pictures of starfish. The anchorage got quite busy with the Suzie 2 rally. Jackster turned up too so we had some nice social time too.