
Saturday 26th January 19

Sabudupored island

Not nice weather today, grey and I do feel cold, shame really I was looking forward to a bit of snorkeling on  the reef just off the back of the boat. so it's a day on board sorting out pictures and getting some more music on my player for night watches. Ian is ploughing through his job's list.

Sunday 27th January 19


Again grey skies and huge grey clouds greet up when we get up. It is all piled up on the main land. It does no s the locals turning up before 8am and starting hacking down trees and bushes. At one point we count 3 bonfires going simultaneously. The equivalent of tending the garden on the Sunday morning. It is too cold for a swim on the reef so we take the dingy for a row to the next island. We've been intrigued by an orange structure in the middle of it. Think it is a tomb by the shape we can make out through the binoculars.

It is so shallow on the way there that we can spot the star fishes from the dingy. Not as many or as big as on green island, much to the relief of Ian who can see the whole day disappear again with me taking hundred of pictures of starfish.

It does not take long to reach the little island and sure enough it was a tomb in the middle of it. Angela is buried there, don't think it is an old one, the concrete painted bright orange is not too battered and the plastic flowers are still intact if a bit faded. Obviously well care for.

Loved the details... Flowers like a child would draw with the heart make of a shell. What a fabulous place for your final rest. We'll it is until you turn the corner and you are face with a huge amount of rubbish washed up.... All plastic, bottles of all shapes and sizes. An inordinate amount of flip flops and crocs, again all shapes, colour and sizes. We collected a few to dispose of later. Ian makes jokes about my fetish for shoes now downgraded to plastic flip flops and not even a pair to be had!