Hiva Oa – Manamenu Bay

I got my singing and dancing lessons later that evening. The local boarding school had a celebration/fundraising on the main square (the outlying islands will send their older kids here) . The square was actually a bit more than a plain square, surrounded by tikis and statues, definitely an old gathering place. The kids are giving it all they have, after the Thanksgiving of the mother superior. The band is the size of a full orchestra (drums, guitars and ukulele) and it is lead by the booming voice of an ample lady with fabulous flowers on her head. Each year showcase their pieces, the girls sing and dance melodiously with undulating hips and arms, the boys are going to war, all shouting and stamping, and beating their chests. You could not imagine a more contrasting sound and sight. It was extremely good fun and the food was great too.