Vieques – Sun Bay

Saturday 31st March 18

Vieques Sun Bay

Need to move on, Time after time recommended Sun Bay on Vieques, only 15 miles away. So off we go... the wind is not very strong but it is on the back so we have an ice down wind sail fro a change. The coast line is arresting, plenty to look at. Sun bay is fringed by golden sand and it is obviously popular with the locals. A few have set up camp for the week end and as per usual, the music is loud. But we don’t mind when it is that good! Only another boat in the anchorage for the night. And once the mushic is turned off it is very peaceful, really feels remote.

Sunday 1st April 18

Vieques Sun Bay

Quick foray ashore this morning, walking on the beach and up to the little village. The beach is beautiful but it does show scars from the hurricane. Most of the palm trees are standing but all the sand has been displaced, their roots are now all exposed. The reef is also showing in places, but the water is crystal clear. There are still sign of the sand and seaweed art on the beach. There is so much room on this beach that I reckon that all the inhabitants could turn up on the same day and there will still be plenty room for more. Again, the music starts in the afternoon,  loud enough for us to be able to practise our moves on the front deck, what a laugh! Full moon rising, no change of seing much of the fluorescent in the water but perfect for a shadow puppet show... amazing what you resort to, to amuse yourself after dinner!