Vieques – Green Bay

Monday 2nd April 18
Vieques Green Bay
On the move again. Time after Time will be in Green bay at the end of Vieques, we catch up with them early afternoon after a very very slow passage from Sun Bay. Not complaining, it is the first time this year that I have been able to sail in my bikini…we have not had that many occasion to sail downwind either!
It’s all go, Ian goes and try to catch dinner with Allen, conch at the bottom of the sea bed. Apparently you can see them move very slowly and dive to catch them. After an hour or so, they come back with 3 huge beasts… Allen is showing us what to do with them… a bit brutal and not much meat to show for your effort. We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see if it is worth it… they need to marinate in lemon juice overnight to tenderise them… apparently bashing them with a hammer is not sufficient!
Our usual walk mizzen on the beach, the mites are mean here, we do not linger too long. And then we all grab an early night. Another beautiful sunset and very calm night.
Tuesday 3rd April 18
Vieques Sun Bay
Last day and evening with Time after Time, they will be going north tomorrow. So we makethe most of it. Great evening, excellent food and the boys got a trashing at cards…again!