Nevis – Montravers Walk

Montravers walk  & Full moon party

Tuesday 30th Jan 18

After 3 days on board, we are ready to stretch our legs. I’ve been watching a set of ruins midway up the volcano and wanting to go and have a closer look. Turns out that Bill, our neighbour own these ruins and a good chunk of the land around it, the beach we are anchor off is actually called Pinney Beach. The estate is now much smaller than it was originally and it is easily accessible from the beach.  We spend a nice afternoon walking up and down the gentle slopes of the volcano. The ruins are spectacular, the remains are being renovated and the views are breathtaking.  There are also a set of dams which have obviously been repaired and maintained. Nice brick work. On the way up the little church, we cross the golf course, very upmarket indeed, it is attached to the Four Seasons resort, which is virtually empty.

I have the opportunity to quiz Bill later when he takes up to the Oualie beach full moon party. I am fascinated by the stories he tells us, how this estate was his childhood haunts and only later in life he got interested in the renovation and history of it. Plenty of records are available on the family and the plantation in Nevis, Bristol and Liverpool.  Ian is far more interested in his sailing background. Plenty to learn here, his pedigree is impressive. 

The full moon party is nothing like we had before. It really feels like a neighbourhood party, everyone knows each other and everyone is very welcoming. We meet a lot of charming people and the jamming is fantastic.