Montserrat to Nevis

Passage Montserrat to Nevis
Thursday 25th jan 18
Not too sad to leave Montserrat, the anchorage was windy and rolly, not so comfortable. Sad to say goodbye to Time after Time though. We had such a good time with them over the last few months, God knows if our paths will cross again…
Despite a few threatening clouds, the weather holds all the way, Not getting wet today. The wind is strong and we have a quick passage, taking in the uninhabited island of Redonda quite close and Saba in the distance. We would have loved to go and have a closer look at it but the landing is quite challenging given the steep inclines of the volcano. In the condition we have at the moment we would not have been sheltered one bit and we probably would have been unable to get onto the island. Never mind.
We find a free buoy nearest to the Four Seasons Resort, result! We can piggy back on their free wifi! I have a bit of website updating to do …not posted anything since before Christmas.