Antigua – Last Beach BBQ

Saturday 20th January 18
On our return from Barbuda, we are pleased to see that Time after Time is still there. We had made plans to go with them to Montserrat, but the weather does not look so good for the next couple of days. Time for a BBQ on the beach then. Christine is leaving today so it is just Time after Time, Sealife and us… Our little group has definitely shrunk !
We are going out with a bang though, a beautiful sunset complete with a green flash, music, and a huge fire. And loats of stories told. We wave at Christine as they pass by. Not sure they saw us despite me waving my pink towel.
Al behind the BBQ is cooking up a storm with his assistant Ian. As per usual, Scott McGiver has outdone himself; the fire making equipment might be overspec’ed but what the hell as he would say!
As dark creeps in, we gather around the fire discussing the power given to the human race by the ability of making flames at will. Deep stuff!
My mind wandered, distracted by the fireflies dancing around, lighting up the darkened hill behind us. The comedy moment came when we tried to get off the beach in the gloom, with quite strong waves coming in. We were out the quickest, having no engine to sort out, Sealife was behind us. A huge splash was heard and then laughter… Francine was thrown out of the dingy, got sopping wet from head to toe. She just could not stop giggling all the way home!
I’ll miss this and I’ll miss Antigua.