Jam evening at Power Boats

Friday 29th September

We have been listening to the cruisers’ net on the VHF and it sounds like there is a small community here, not as active possibly but providing some local information on services and trips organised by Jesse James, from shopping to visit to major attraction. There is a Jam session in Power Boats, the boat yard next to ours tonight and after a hard day’s work, it might be just what we need. Glad we went, it was great fun. I was amazed by the amount of gear these musicians carry on their boats, they have every amplifier, microphones and all sort of other equipment. Given that there are only a dozen of us huddled around in a small area, it sounds like a proper concert. Everyone is welcome to play or sing. Well singing, certainly not for me but I had a vibra-slap shoved into my hand, did not even know what to do with it or that it even existed. So there it is according to Wikipedia: “The vibraslap descended from the African “jawbone”. This is the lower jawbone of a donkey or a zebra which has loose teeth that rattle when the instrument is struck. The Instrument was carried by slaves to South America where it became known as the Quijada. The vibraslap was invented by Martin Cohen in 1967.” Certainly brings a smile to everyone’s face. I hadn’t had so much fun since pre-school, especially with the tambourine. Ian was happy with banging sticks and rattling bottles filled with seeds. We had a great evening.