BBQ on Calabash Beach

BBQ Calabash Beach

The forecast for the coming week is bleak, plenty rain coming our way. Sunday will be the last day of sunshine for a while, and we decide to make the most of it and have a BBQ on Calabash beach.  We have found a disposable BBQ, and Francine will be bringing hers, so we will be fine. I fancy a bit of down time on the hammock so we reach the beach early in the afternoon, to secure our tree. A nice young local couple are set up there but invite us to hang our hammocks next to them, They are both lovely and soon  a lively  conversation about live, Grenada, God ensue. Neil is a writer and a teacher, June works in insurance. Hope he will get in touch; it would be nice to read his book. Very enlightig conversation.

The usual suspect pitch up later in the afternoon, even Mizzen the dog joins the party. We set out all the hammocks out in a circle so we can have a good natter. The boys are busy with making the BBQ smoke, it does take a while to get going. The proceedings were not helped by a sudden downpour nearly extinguishing the fire.  Fortunately it did not last long and we could finish toasting the marshmallows! Shame we got drenched, it somehow curtailed the fun. Still another great afternoon in excellent company.

Monday 31 July- Wednesday 2nd August

Nose to the grinder, I have spent the last 3 days sanding and varnishing sole board, and still a long way to go. The weather is not helping we have frequent downpours so I have to move things down below which is not ideal. The smell of varnish is a bit over bearing, Light relief in the afternoon, we go with Francine and Al to walk Mizzen on the beach, catching up on gossip. They have just come back from 2 weeks home in Boston so there is plenty to tell.