Children Carnival Frolic – Grenada

Children Carnival Frolic

We are not going to the hash this week, it is the Children’s carnival Frolic a the stadium Saturday afternoon and would not miss it from the world. We arrive so early at the stadium that we catch the groups getting ready in the front of the arena. C ostumes are being downloaded from a variety of truck and unexpected vehicles; even a police car brings in some stuff. Make up is being applied, feather wings secured, head dress straightened. The costumes are fabulous, colourful and beautiful.  We recognise the costumes we last saw being put together last week. They look even better with children in them.The atmosphere is fabulous, the kids are jumping around, there is music and even ice cream. All the groups are actually competing today and it is serious business, judged are lined up and taking notes. And there is a small entrance fee ($20) to get in so the audience is mainly friends and family of the kids participating. We have a slow start (the chippy is still constructing the wooden platform, dancing to the music as he works!)  but the stadium soon fills up and we are treated to every group showcasing their star costumes and dances. We recognise the voice of Brenda from the morning show on the radio, she is the host, nice to see her in the flesh, we’ve been listening to her every morning for weeks now. We learn quite a bit about the carnival in Grenada and the cultural history attached to it. Fascinating stuff!

We are surrounded by mums soon joined by their off springs after their bit on stage. Love the “Short Knees” in their gaudy costumes, kicking their legs up and flinging talcum powder around.  Real fun at the end of the competition, the stage is overtaken by hundred of kids jumping around to the sound of the music and having a ball! Camera has now run out of juice…

The second part of the afternoon is dedicated to the junior steel band competition. We will be cheering for the Comancheros, off course, we did see them practise. Brilliant tunes are played; everyone is jiggling around in front of the stage.  It was brilliant day. We loved it.