The ARC 2016 across the Atlantic – Nov 16

No matter how experienced you are, crossing the Atlantic is a daunting prospect and we want our first ocean crossing to be as safe but as enjoyable as possible, joining the ARC will ensure that both priorities will be covered. There is a program of seminars and briefing and check
lists galore in the days before departure.

We found that finding crew for the Atlantic leg was made much easier as soon as we mentioned that we will be joining a rally rather than setting off on our own, I guess the social calendar helped.  Seriously, there is a sense that we will be part of a community, and a lot of information is made available to assist with preparation for the crossing. The fact that we will be fitted with tracking device and be part of an organised passage has also alleviated (to a certain extend) the family misgivings about our plan. And best of all, it is a competition... they might term it as “fun competition” but is a competition all the same...should be giving us an incentive to go faster!

Finally, joining the ARC enables us to set a date, we are both from project management background and like all good project managers we function better if there is a deadline looming.  We are now in business - we are departing from Las Palmas in  Gran Canaria, on the 20th November.  We can now focus on all the things that need to be done before the deadline. Where is the list?

Las Palmas

Crossing the Atlantic - Week 1

Crossing the Atlantic - Week 2

Crossing the Atlantic - Week 3

Cape Verde

Last in St Lucia